Cedar Point Repair Completed
August 11, 2020
The scheduled repair in Cedar Point was completed approximately 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 11. As our protocol, a System Pressure Advisory has been issued by the General Manager until test results are received. WCWC has disinfected and is flushing large amounts of water, but this advisory is a precaution and suggests that you vigorously boil water for one minute when using it for consumption. This does not apply to bathing and handwashing (using soap). The advisory typically is rescinded within 24-48 hours.
You may experience milky water, which is air in the water lines. A glass of water will clear rather quickly, but please let us know that you are experiencing that issue so we can identify additional areas that may need to be flushed to move the air.
Questions or concerns can be directed to our office at 252-393-1515 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. M-F. Outside of these hours, please contact the General Manager at 252-241-0116 or System Manager at 252-241-9383.